Thursday, February 28, 2019

A change in Plans

Hi!  Today was an interesting day..I played all day with my friend (It's nice to have someone to spend time with close to my age every day) which was great!  I was supposed to go to this fun place to play in the evening that had lots of toys but ended up not being able to go (bummer)  But rather than stay home and do nothing, we went to Skate Estate.  The big kids  had a blast skating, and my friend and I got pushed by the big kids taking turns in the double stroller while they skated in the back corner, it was so much fun going around and around :) 

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Winter Wednesday

Happy Little bit of Snow Wednesday!  We thought we were going to have quite a bit, but only enough to make everything white and pretty!  We did some errand running today, but also did playing a lot too!  Every Day I get to play with lots of fun toys but today was extra fun because I got a new toy to play with, with my new friend- A princess playhouse!  I didn't get any photos with it today, but I'll try to share a few tomorrow!  :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

TWOs Day.

Hi There, It's Me Again :)  Today I spent the day with my new friend..  We played piano together, read books, sang songs (sort of) and played with cars together. All in all it was a good day and I ate really well today- I especially loved my soup for dinner :)

Monday, February 25, 2019

Happy Monday

Happy Monday!  I had a busy but good day!  I had a new friend come today and was such a good girl sharing my baby and snack with her :)  And of course I had fun dancing and reading and coloring and playing with blocks and so much more!  I had such a busy day I have no photos from today but here is one from Valentines Day, I hope you like it :)

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Simple Sunday

Today was a simple Sunday. I had cinnamon rolls for breakfast which were SO Yummy! I went to church and played with lots of friends and lots of toys.   When I came home I had lots of different things for lunch but my most favorite was my Asian marinated steak.  I took my nap, woke up and played even more!  My most favorite thing to play today was the Where's Amelia game.  I'd cover my eyes and then I'd magically disappear and no one could see me, it was So Cool!



Saturday, February 23, 2019

A quiet Saturday

Today was a quiet Saturday..  I played with blocks.. Played with my stuffed kitty that plays music. I had a lot of fun putting my kitty in the block bucket over and over again :)
 Played with my babies (of course!) played with playdough, and colored a beautiful picture.  Then we ate breakfast for dinner and I LOVED my sausage links :) 

Friday, February 22, 2019

Friday happenings.

Today I had a good morning, but was a little grumpy in the afternoon. Then later, I got to go to a dinner at church and played with lots of toys so the evening got better.  It was  somewhat of a quiet day other than the church potluck.  I hope you had a good day today :)

Thursday, February 21, 2019

"terrible" Thursday

Hi There, It's Me Amelia..  Today was not the greatest of days..  At first it was good.. I woke up happy, I ate a good breakfast..I got to play with friends all morning because there was a 2 hour school delay and I took a good short nap.  But then it got terrible.  Because we went to the Dr and I had to get a couple of shots.  And even though I tried to be brave THEY HURT ALOT.  But I am healthy, no ear infections, lungs are clear, heart is good.  I'm almost 26 lbs and I'm almost 34 inches tall.  The Dr said I'm healthy, sweet and smart :)  I really could have done without the shots though. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Wacky Wednesday

Hi, It's me Amelia,  I was a little cheese today :)  I was giggly and smiley and silly all wrapped up in this cute package.  I kept giving the puppy hugs, kept wanting to read stories again and again, and wanted to play with my friends :)  I loved playing ball today also!  I had fun on this Wacky Wednesday, Sorry my photos are a little blurry I couldn't stay still:)


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Thankful Tuesday

Hi!!  Guess what I did today?  Today was filled with taking my babies on walks in their strollers, playing with playdough, coloring photos (my picture is below) dancing, reading and muchmore!  I got to play with a few friends today and it was so much fun too..  I am so thankful for all the fun I had today :) 

Monday, February 18, 2019

Presidents Day Means more Friends to Play With!

It's Me Again!  Today was an extra fun day, do you know why??  School was out today because of Presidents Day so I had extra friends to play with :)  Today I read books, played with playdough, danced, and just had fun playing with the girls :)  And I ate a great dinner tonight too! It was great fun :)

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Sweet Sunday

Hi There!
It's Me Amelia.  Today was a fun but pretty easy day.  First we went to church and I got to play with lots of fun toys and with some new friends.  It was lots of fun!  Then we went shopping and I got a new swimsuit so that I can go indoor swimming soon :)  I took a nap and woke up and there was a new stuffed kitty that played a song when it's belly was pushed and I loved dancing to the song and wanted to push the belly over and over again :) The photo was when I had just woke from nap and gotten my new kitty.. :)   And at dinner I loved eating my corn!  It was a good day :)

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Saucy Saturday

Hi, It's me Amelia!  Guess what I did today?   Today I went on a mini Road Trip to play with new friends :)  Then I went to a chili cook-off!  And guess what?  I LOVE Chili!  I mostly loved the saucy broth but I couldn't get enough of it!  Excuse my messy face, when I was getting my photos taken It was when I was eating.  And because I was such a Good Girl I got a cookie for dessert and boy it was GOOD!  (but I would have gotten one anyhow even if I didn't eat well, but don't tell anyone, it's your and my secret)  ;) 

Friday, February 15, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day A Day Late

It's Never too late to spread the love so Amelia wants to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day!  She had a Great Valentine's Day herself, got some photos taken all prettied up, and received a Pretty blanket, a Valentine Bear and just a little chocolate for Valentines Day.  And there was even homemade Valentines Day Cake for Dessert! <3

Welcome to Amelia's Adventures in Wonderland

Welcome to Amelia's Adventures in Wonderland...  Amelia is on an amazing adventure...It's called the Adventure of Life! Although Amelia isn't newly born she has her whole Life ahead of her and some pretty wonderful moments in store for her!  This is a means of being able to keep track of the special moments, the normal moments, The good moments, even the not so great moments..  I hope you enjoy following along as Amelia experiences the Wonder of day to day life! :)